Autumn Fertilization is Good or Bad

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There are many people, especially those who plant late-maturing plant, worried that autumn fertilization will damage the roots of plant. In fact, autumn fertilization of orchard is a good way to improve the soil quality and the tree nutrient as well as is the necessary measures to have good flower buds.Therefore, the autumn fertilization should be early.

Most of people know that autumn fertilization will cause damage to the roots. However, whether the damage of roots will influence the fruit or not is still need to be analyzed.

First, about fruit trees, it is generally believed that as long as there is rootT2e8PdXrNXXXXXXXXX_!!725119273 system to absorb nutrients, then, the nutrients will meet the needs of the tree. The number of damage roots in the autumn is limited, it is impossible to damage all the roots, so the autumn fertilization will not influence the growth of fruit trees. In addition, the fertilizer way of many high-yield orchards in recent years is ditch fertilization and the fertilizer mostly is in September which has proved that there is no impact on the development of fruit trees and fruit quality.

After base fertilization, part of roots will be damaged. However, autumn is the peak of the root development, the damaged roots will be healed easily. Roots are damaged are equivalent to pruning roots, and their pruning reactions are same with trees are shorted, and there will be a large number of new roots under the wound. The original root will change into a dozen new roots and the original roots change into new roots. The number of roots increased, the roots are rejuvenated, and the ability to absorb nutrients in the coming year will naturally be enhanced.

The roots of the fruit trees are graded. The original roots have evolved into the transplanted root which is the role of nutrients transmission. The new root is called growing root which is the root of absorbed root. In other words, next year’s absorbed roots are mainly grown on the growth roots. Absorbed root life is very short, generally not more than a month and the absorbed root only grow on the grow roots, as well as plant with absorbed root will not lead to root death or lack of nutrition. u=3770714432,2674437392&fm=21&gp=0The stage of many fruit trees lack of necessary element have a close relationship with the lack of absorbed root.

We can learn from the study that the tree aging generally start from the root system, the root pruning and the branches pruning are both important for plant growth. In production, the main fertilizer way is digging trench to apply base fertilizer, or digging ditch, exposing a lot of roots, then we should prune the roots. The plant nearly have no roots, we can short the roots to stimulate roots growth. Roots have less branches, we should appropriately short small branches.

It seems that there are many benefits of fertilization in the autumn, so there is no need to worry about fertilization can cause root damage.

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