Matters Need Attention about Fertilizer Mixture

Fertilizers are generally inorganic compounds. Although urea and other ingredients are organic compounds, the fertilizer is referred to as inorganic fertilizer. In addition,下载 the raw materials of chemical fertilizers are mostly natural minerals, so chemical fertilizer, also known as mineral fertilizers. Natural organic wastes containing crop nutrient elements are called organic fertilizers or natural fertilizers, which are not fertilizers. Fertilizers containing only a nutrient that can be labeled are called unit fertilizers, which are nitrogen, phosphate, potash and secondary constant element fertilizers (trace elements) and trace element fertilizers. Two of three kinds of nutrients which are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and can indicate the content of fertilizer is known as mixed fertilizer.

Matters need attention about fertilizer mixed with pesticide and hormone

In general,solid pesticide and solid fertilizer can be directly mixed, the requirements are not very strict. However, about solid-liquid or liquid-liquid mixture, we should consider the possibleu=577765991,872338984&fm=21&gp=0 changes after mixing. Therefore, we should pay much attention to the following aspects when we want to make fertilizer mixed: 1, alkaline pesticides like Bordeaux, lime sulfur, rosin can not be mixed with ammonium carbonate, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, ammonium chloride and other ammonium nitrogen fertilizer and superphosphate because such mixture is easy to produce ammonium volatilization or precipitation which will reduce fertilizer efficiency. 3, fertilizer can not be mixed with microbial pesticides because chemical fertilizers are volatile, corrosive, and if the microbial pesticides like bacilli, bacteria and other microorganism pesticides mixed with fertilizer which will kill or reduce the control effect. 4, Pesticides containing arsenic can not be mixed with potassium salt and sodium salt.  Calcium arsenate, aluminum arsenate mixed with arsenic pesticides will produce soluble arsenic which will lead to phytotoxicity. With the using of mixed fertilizer, the fertilizer mixed with chemical fertilizers and pesticides are commonly used.


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